The Standard
Programme Design
This programme is designed to be of the highest integrity. Several global sources have informed the development and design of the programme, including; ISO14064: 2018 - Part 1 (ISO), Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHGP-CP) Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (GHGPVCS), the Carbon Discolsure Project (CDP) and the Science Based Targets Initiative.
Accurate data collection:
Identify and gather accurate and reliable data sources for emissions tracking.
Establish protocols for direct measurements, activity data, and emission factors.
Transparent reporting:
Develop and document transparent methods and assumptions for emissions calculations and reporting.
Ensure stakeholders can access emissions data and results to encourage trust.
Independent verification:
Engage a third-party verification agency to verify the accuracy and reliability of emissions data and calculations.
Address any discrepancies or areas for improvement identified in the verification process.
Emissions Reduction Targets:
Organisations must set emissions reduction targets in line with climate science.
Short and long term targets??
Optional to adhere to the Science Based Targets Initiative.
Ongoing monitoring and improvement:
Establish a process for regular monitoring and updating of emissions data and calculations.
Implement process improvements to address issues and increase accuracy over time.
Consistent reporting:
Develop and adhere to consistent reporting methods and metrics to allow for accurate tracking of emissions over time.
Use industry-standard emissions reporting protocols to ensure comparability with other organizations.
Scope 3 Engagement:
Develop a process for engaging with up stream and down stream stakeholders for scope 3 reporting
Public Disclosure:
Organisations must disclose their emissions reporting publicly
NZ Native Removals:
Organisations committing to Net Zero must purchase and cancel removals from NZ Native projects (CarbonZ)
Programme Principles
Commitment to the programme
Organisations must
report their emissions inventory annually in accordance with the programme requirements. Any changes to the inventory methodology must be disclosed.
Set and comply by their emissions reductions targets.
Offset any unavoidable emissions with NZ native removals
Continous Improvement
The programme is based on the principle of continuous improvement. This principle underpins the process of data collection, striving to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information and emissions reductions.
While the programme is intended to create the maximum positive impact, it is recognised that there is imperfect information, limited resources and knowledge gaps that will be addressed through participation in the programme.
External Assurance
Must be obtained from a qualified, independent verification authority.
The integrity of the programme relies on each participant adhering to the rules and requirement set out in the programme which in turn reinforce the GHG statements that each participant is able to make.
Public Disclosure
Organisations must disclose sufficient and appropriate emissions information.
GHG Emissions Reporting Requirements
Organisational Boundary
The reporting organisation must define it’s reporting boundaries in line with it’s legal structure or group that meets the definition of an organisation in accordance with ISO14064-1. The organisation must draw its financial boundary in order to report operating revenue for the calculation of emissions intensity (emissions per $M revenue)
The reporting organisation must define it’s intended use and users of the inventory.
The reporting organisation must report and define its organisational structure in sufficient detail to match the needs of it’s intended user and users.
The reporting organisation must report on all emissions defined in it’s organisation boundary
Consolidation Approach
The reporting organisation must define it’s consolidation approach that aligns with it’s intended use and users.
Options are; Operational Control, Financial Control and Equity Share.
Base Year
The GHG emissions inventory shall report a 12 month period of historical data.
The reporting organisation shall explain the selection of the base year.
Estimates and models shall be allowed where sufficient data is unavailable.
Estimates and models must be disclosed.
The base year may be recalculated where significant changes to the reporting organisation have occurred, emissions factors have changed significantly or there has been the discovery of errors or omissions in the source data.
Reporting Boundary
Organisations must report all material GHG emissions. Material being emissions that constitute over 1% of the total emissions.
Individual GHG’s must be reported separately and reported in metric tonnes as carbon dioxide equivalents.
Emissions must be reported to 1 decimal place where greater than 1 and to 2 decimal places where less than 1.
The reporting organisation must establish and document it’s reporting boundaries, including all material emissions sources and sinks associated with it’s operations.
The reporting organisation must define and document the criteria for evaluating significant emissions sources in line.
Non-biogenic and biogenic emissions sources and sinks must be reported separately.
Emissions from imported energy sources shall be quantified using the relevant location based approach. Where contractual instruments (REC’s) exist, the organistaion must report according to the relevant market based approach.
GHG Liabilities
The reporting organisation must quantify and report on the GHG liabilities held within the organisation boundary. If the organisation holds significant number of small items holding refrigerants, these must be accounted for.
Where removal enhancements exist, the organisation must report on the potential and contingent liabilities associated with the land use.
Calculation of GHG Emissions and Removals
The reporting organisation shall produce a GHG emissions inventory and management report in accordance with ISO14064-1. The programmes rules take precedence over, but must not diminish the requirements of ISO14064-1.
The calculation methodology of the GHG emissions inventory must be documented by the reporting organisation. Any chances to the calculation methodology must be disclosed to the programme and independent verification body.
The reporting organisation shall be aware of international best practices for their industry where appropriate and shall take these into account when developing their emissions inventory.
Pre-verified data may be included in the organsiation emissions inventory, subject to suitable evidence.
The GHG emissions inventory shall be measured and reported in accordance with the following principles outlined in the ISO14064-1 standard.
Relevance - select the GHG sources, sinks, reservoirs, liabilities, data and methodologies most appropriate to the needs of the intended user.
Completeness - included all and any relevant GHG emissions and removals.
Consistency - Enable meaningful comparisons of GHG related information
Accuracy - Reduce bias and uncertainties as far as is practical.
Transparency - Disclose sufficient information to cater to the needs of the intended user, in order for them to make decisions with reasonable confidence.
Emissions Factors and Uncertainty
The reporting organisation will be provided with emissions factors that are current and suitable for the calculation of an emissions inventory.
The reporting organisation may include specific emissions factors from outside of the programme, subject to approval.
The 100-year Global Warming Potentials (GWP) as published in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shall be used to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalents (C02e) for non C02 GHG’s. Where government published factors rely on earlier GWP’s, these may also be used.
An aviation multiplier (radiative forcing) must be used in calculations of air travel and air freight.
Data uncertainty must be reported on for all emissions sources. Dependent on the data quality, levels of accuracy and any assumption or models.
The assessment of data uncertainty shall be assessed qualitatively where quantitative assessment is not possible. Statements of the qualitative or quantitative assessments shall be provided.
Data quality, completeness and accuracy shall be assessed by the verification body and a written report shall be provided.
GHG Data Management
The reporting organisation shall develop and implement data management procedures with sufficient detail to ensure the completeness and comparability of GHG emissions inventories.
The reporting organisation shall document the process for ensuring data completeness, including data storage and retrieval, persons or roles responsible for the maintenance of data and process for checking the accuracy of data.